JMI Wealth provide a well diversified investment solution to you through Clarity Funds Management Limited. You can invest in either the Clarity Diversified Income Fund or Clarity Diversified Growth Fund or choose a combination of the two.

Compare the fund mix options below to find the right one for you

Enter the amount you would like to invest

This tool is designed as a guide only to help you determine your comfort level of varying investment returns and the fund mix that most closely corresponds to the risk profile you select

Minimum $10,000
Investment mix based on $10,000 Weight Value
Income Fund 100% $10,000
Growth Fund 0% $0

Risk Profile

Use the plus and minus to adjust the Risk Profile dial up and down until you have the most appropriate Portfolio Profile that meets your needs.

Diversified Income Fund Lower Risk Potentially Lower Returns
Diversified Growth Fund Higher Risk Potentially Higher Returns
Invest in

Mainly invests in fixed interest assets and cash with a relatively small exposure to shares.

Indicative range of returns p.a.*
2.3% - 5.7%
Investor Description

This Allocation may be suitable for those investors who are willing to accept a higher risk than bonds and cash deposits and who desire income from their investment.

Probability of loss in any one year

* Returns are forecast over a 10 year period, after fees and before tax. These are as at 31 May 2024 and are subject to change.

What is next?

You can download a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement and Fund Update for more detailed information about the Clarity Funds and for the Fund online application click below:

An Individual/Joint accountA TrustA Company

Still unsure?

Choosing the right fund is an important part of achieving your investment goals. If you are still unsure which fund mix to select, please contact us on +64 9 308 1450 

Clarity Funds Management Limited and JMI Wealth Limited are subsidiaries of the Investment Services Group Limited

Information and Disclaimer: This tool is for information purposes only. You can download a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement which contains information relating to the offer of eight retail Clarity Funds at The Manager of the Funds is Clarity Funds Management Limited which is a related party of JMI Wealth. It does not take into account your investment needs or personal circumstances and so is not intended to be viewed as investment or financial advice. Should you require financial advice you should always speak to your Financial Adviser. The price, value and income derived from investments may fluctuate because values can go down as well as up and investors may get back less than originally invested. Past performance is not indicative of future results and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding future performance. Indicative range of returns is forecast to 95% probability. Also, Indicative range of returns and Probability of loss in any one year assumes a constant allocation over duration of the portfolio. Reference to taxation or the impact of taxation does not constitute tax advice. The levels and bases of taxation may change. Where an investment is denominated in a foreign currency, changes in rates of exchange may have adverse effect on the value, price or income of the investment. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy neither JMI Wealth nor Clarity Funds Management Ltd, nor any person involved in this publication, accept any liability for any errors or omission. It may be useful to complete a risk profile questionnaire every time your circumstances changes and/or when you review your portfolio.

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